Thursday 14 March 2019

High Africa, my experience.

Camping at High Africa,

I was so exited, our camp was hear. Finally, another camp had begun! We stacked our bags on the bus and headed to our classroom. There we played and sang, Ester(my friend) has brought her guitar. Excitement filled the air as we entered the bus. We sat right at the back and sang almost all the way long, otherwise, if we weren’t singing ,we were laughing or staring out the window.
After two hours the bus arrived at High Africa. We got told all the rules and then got put in our cabins. I was with all my best friends but Tyla and I started to fight over the top bunk. In the end no one won, I’ve gave it to Ester.Five minutes later we got called to the field and we got to play a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Not any Rock Paper Scissors, we had to play someone and if we lost we had to become their cheerleader shouting and following them where ever they go. Next round we played Rock Paper Scissors but you start in an egg if you win you evolve to a chicken, then a baboon, next Justen Beiber, then Michel Jackson and finally Chuck Norris but if you loose you go back into a egg, plus eggs can only battle eggs, Justin Bieber’s can only verse Justin Beiber’s etc.We learnt “The Penguin Song” and had lunch. Once free time was over Hilton took us “The Cool Group” for a teamwork exercise. We had to vote for a leader, somehow two thirds of the people voted for me as the girl leader!! Our team ended up losing though.
Our next activity was the wall climbing, I didn’t make it far. There was also a four meter high pole you could jump off called the Leap of Faith.I actually touched the bar!  Once we got back to our cabin ,I asked Ester if I could play on the guitar,  but when I played our annoying room mates complained about it. They actually called her guitar stupid causing her to cry! The next morning we woke up and went for breakfast. Our next activity was the dancing one were you dance to a song then 
once your finished you guess  songs, characters and lyrics to Disney movies. Once that was done we 
went for the obstacle course and our teacher tried to scare us by telling us there was a snake in a 
bucket.She even made two kids stick their hand into the bucket, shouted, only to find rope. We got to swim in the river, you could see the other camp from deep in the river. Then we were called out of the river and everyone went to lunch.Once my group finished lunch we got to play kick ball, my team was really good but did not make the finals. Once it got to dinner time we made our own potjie and decorated our tables in our group. I got voted Co. Chef and took the potjie to the fire. While it was cooking we learnt the llama song!When our potjie was done my group tasted it and loved it!
After dinner we headed to the field and did the kick ball competition but our group did not win. It started to rain so we all went to our cabins and tried to sleep. Our groups annoying neighbours were buying shouting the llama song!!! Even though we agreed that we would not play the guitar or annoy them and they wouldn’t annoy us, they still sang the song. Finally the teacher came by and told them to sleep. The next day we had breakfast then did our group war cry ours went something like this... “WE ARE the COOL GROUP, the COOL GROUP, the COOL GROUP, YES WE ARE ,YES WE ARE, the COOL GROUP, the COOL GROUP, THE COOL GROUP!!! We started heading home on our two hour trip back. Freedom was here! 

Tuesday 12 March 2019

The Start of a Magnificent Year

**I trembled at the sight of a new year but none of the less was I confident. New challenges to face, new friends to make and I thought this term would never end but the end is near. We sat down on the mat with our teacher looking at us with a face that was blank then a mischievous smile arouse. We already knew the year was going to be a blast. I met the three new kids not expecting much from the them... I played with two of them and they became my awesome, brand new friends. Now my life was full of more friends each one different from the rest.

*This year I just started singing lessons. I hoped the teacher liked my voice, because some people hate it and some love it. She liked it and that made me smile, maybe my voice wasn't terrible after all? Just after my first lesson I looked on the boards for the Bugsy Malon cast. Bugsy Malone is this play I auditioned for last year. When I finished reading the list ,I felt ashamed I didn't get a part! Not even a small one. Some of my friends got more than one part and I got none!
**Today I had my first test and it was an Africans one. The only reason I was stressed out was because English is my first language and I never learnt Africans up until 2nd Grade. Even now I'm Still learning!!!When I got my test back I was so surprised! I past and with flying honers!!
**I did my first Oral! It was on fantasy creatures.We had to make up your own creature. I called mine Moon Rose. When I started my oral I was trembling but then I saw everyone look at me with interest, like they wanted more! I carried on and saw how everyones eyes glowed. At the end of the oral my teacher shouted, "Everyone! What do you think I should give this amazing girl for her oral? Only out of 14 though." The class shouted back, " 14 out of 14!" I smiled.
**We went on a beach outing, oh how I love the beach, cold water(that is freezing!), soft sand and tons of friends. We had a blast! I made a sand castle (with friends), swam in the water and picked up all the dead jellyfish remains. Yup, there was dead jellyfish, but we still had fun (cleaning them up, but that was REALY fun.

Blogging with Swift Playgrounds

If you watch the video you can probably tell I’m not far in Swift playground, the coarse I chose is an example of the “if” and “else” block....