Thursday 23 May 2019

A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settlement

I woke up with a start, I was shivering, the cold got the best of me , again.I hesitated, did I really want to get out of bed and surrender my only warmth? I had no choice, I pulled off the thin duvet and went to my cupboard. I put on my favourite hand-me-down shirt and skirt, I don’t have much clothing, mostly old ones and hand-me-downs. I wish I could get better clothes like the ones the posh children wear when going to school. I pushed the thought from my mind, my feet were bare and I was hungry, I set of to the cupboard were my family keeps the food in,but it, like always, was empty. The pain in my stomach grew, I was starving, my family bought us a big supper two days ago and there hasn’t been food in the house since. With an empty stomach I grabbed my bag and heaved it on my shoulder, I was weak and it felt so heavy… Suddenly out of nowhere I heard “Suki, hey, why are you up so early? Trying to avoid the Gang?” Oh no,my older sister Kesha had woken up. I try get up early to avoid my two brothers and three sisters, they tease me for avoiding the “BACK ALLEY GANG”. I had to get out of there, with the little strength I had left I bolted out, out of the dark, out of the teasing and away from my bully of sister.

My feet were aching, I wish had shoes, so many people don’t even bother about that but for me it’s a item on my long list of things I wish I had,I wish I could do and things I wish would change. The pain increased as I stepped on a fairly sharp rock. My back felt broken as I reached the school but  I happily walked in and greeted my fellow friends and teachers, I might have a hard time but it doesn’t hurt to be polite. As I put my bag down a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders, literally! The bell blasted “ DING! DING! DING! DING!” The bell set off an adrenaline,I darted to my bag, grabbed my pencil and rushed to Miss Lena’s class. “ Late as always Suki?”
She started. “ I was only twenty seconds off miss…” I tried. “Don’t worry Suki,take a seat.” She ended. When I stared around the class I saw the thirty textbooks were already taken. It’s a first come ,first serve thing but Miss Lena does let the rest of the class use them. Miss Lena’s class is terribly big, one hundred and twenty five students in it! Not including Miss Lena and the absentees. If only there were more textbooks, a textbook for every student in fact! The change it would make! I talked to the principal but he disagreed and started going off about how sharing is caring and there’s not enough money…So I just mumble to myself. I really struggle to read and do math, there’s no library so I can’t try take out books and Miss Lena can’t help everyone with math, so I just stopped putting up my hand, for Miss Lena’s sake.

During lunch I was blinded with hunger, thankfully my friend Tina saw and gave me a sandwich, I enjoyed it so much. I ended up thanking her about a hundred times but it was worth the sandwich. Tina’s family is small and she and her family stay in an Ekaya with sturdy walls,electricity,an upstairs and even a indoor toilet! Oh what I could do  with all of that. Why couldn’t someone event a cheap new brand of housing ? One with indoor toilets, hard secure walls, security and even with electricity that could travel through the whole house! If that came out my family’s shack would seem more like the houses those posh children live in! But I guess I’m just mumbling to myself again. The bell rang and at full blast, “DING! DING! DING! DING! DING!” I headed to the class, having to push my way through. I sighed, there was a test today and tomorrow plus it was on math! Sadly I took the paper, I couldn’t concentrate, “Math why math? Why not English?” Silly thoughts filled my head as the test began.

It seemed to take forever but I finished and school was nearly over. I enjoyed the last bit of peace and quiet up until the bell rang. “DING! DING! DING!” Finally school was over! I could start fresh! I heaved my bag onto my shoulders and set off. As I began to walk I felt a hand grab my shoulder. “Kesha.” I said. She was right behind me with the rest of the gang. “ Not again!” I pleaded but they didn’t seem to listen. Kesha blurted, “ Oh Suki, you haven’t been with the gang for quite a while… What do you say?” The gang roared. “Let’s have some fun” She started. They pulled me to the nearby shop forcing me to stop in my tracks. “ Suki, I’ve got a task for you… Your going into that shop, taking those drugs and bringing them to us.” She trailed off and the gang applauded. “No, no…. I won’t!” I tried but I didn’t have a choice. I walked as if I were going into the shop but instead sprinted in the opposite direction. I was long gone by the time they started to chase me. I strolled to the nearby tree to catch my breath.

It was a long walk, but I managed. I was walking for ages but then my shack came into view. I built a small hideaway for myself to get away from my siblings. I ran towards it and pushed the door open when I got there. Inside was an old chair -broken so it wouldn’t be missed- and a little pillow. I put down my bag and tried to start my homework, there was no electricity so I couldn’t see at all. It took some time but I decided to go back home, there was no hope, I had no electricity. My home was five shakes down but time seemed to stand still. I opened up all the windows in my room but still it was so dark, the night had begun and I’d lost my chance. No, I had a math test tomorrow I couldn’t do my homework in the dark! The shack was rusty and starting to break, the water had softened the roof. Suddenly I heard a CREAK. The roof came falling down with me under it. I screamed at the top of my lungs and my parents came in and pulled away the broken tin. I was rushed to hospital but I had to wait. I started to cry. Why can’t public hospitals have more doctors to attend their patients?! Two hours later I came to see the doctor but they had no damp cloths to put under my bandage. I cringed as they put on the cast straight away without anything to numb the pain. Apparently I broke my arm but at least now I didn’t need to do my test or complete my homework.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

The Nightmare of a Singing Inspector

I never wanted to go back ,never! My name is Gladys Armstrong and  I experienced what felt like a real-life nightmare. Yesterday, the singing Inspector came. He wore big knickerbockers and stockings, his face was round and reddish with eyes of hate that looked surprisingly like blue gooseberries but I think his golden curls stood  out the most. He still frighten’s me. His name is Raymond. I hate him, I hate him! He is the rudest, meanest person I know. When he came, he left the little children and the big boys alone ,but we had to suffer. Raymond called us into a huge room  and we had to sing. Altogether we sang “Dow ray me far sow la Te.” Then the embarrassing part came. He called up Ben and Charles but they didn’t know what to sing “COME ON SING” He shouted. They began to sing Pretty Polly. Ben sang high and squeaky, he looked terrified. While Charles’s voice was low and rough. I really wanted to to laugh ,they were terrible but because of Mr Raymond I kept my mouth shut.When they were half way finished he shouted “WASTE of time, WASTE OF TIME! Two voiceless idiots in a singing class! SEND THEM OUT!”
Next he called up Jess.She was amazing and my fears seamed to fly out the window when she sang but what I didn’t know was that  I was next. His voice echoed through the hall “ Gladys Armstrong and Iris, your next.” I saw Iris try to hide behind one of the students but it was too late. I walked up there with her but my nerves got the best of me. I started to think “ What if I’m too bad? What if he sent me away? What if everyone laughs?”I started shaking, I was trying to hide my fear but I don’t think it worked. We just stood there mouths shut ,not daring to sing.Then he began to mock “ What have we here, the  deaf and the dum? Where’s you voice girls?” I was hurt but I wanted to confront him! I wanted to tell him just what he is , a big bully! I wanted to put him in his place! But nothing came out, there were no words, just silence. He called Winnie and Gladys Long to help us, “The  Paralysed Mutes” or so he called us.We sang along quietly.That night I remembered what had happened but I knew the worst part was having to go back to singing lessons next week. I silently screamed in my pillow. I was always fine with going back when I had Iris but I heard she’s going to do math instead. That night I had a  nightmare, I dreamed of yesterday and having to do it all again.

Blogging with Swift Playgrounds

If you watch the video you can probably tell I’m not far in Swift playground, the coarse I chose is an example of the “if” and “else” block....